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Voxel amount for each function

    In the previous chapter (Functional requirements) we already presented the big table with all the information about the square meters, and thereby the needed amount of voxels, required for each function. We transformed this table to what is shown in Figure 22. Now you can easily see the exact amount of voxels that is needed for each facility. To get these numbers as a result, a little equation was used, which we will explain now.

    First of all, we needed to know how large each room (from the cash desk to toilet room) is going to be, for each function the sum is found in the column ‘m² per element’. We could already translate these numbers into voxels (the detailed numbers can be found in (Functional requirements. These numbers are made even by a function in google sheets, so there will be no problem if we want square rooms. The next step was to multiplicate these numbers (the square meters and the voxels) by the amount of elements that are needed (for example, there will be 175 starter housings and 5 workshop rooms), which sum up to the numbers as shown in column ‘m² total’ and the one on the right of it. The last step was assigning the the amount of floors to these rooms by multiplicating 'voxels (x, y)' by the amount for 'floors'.

    The outcome of this table will later be used for growing the facilities.

Figure 22: Voxel amount per function

Last update: January 26, 2021